Baby Community Member
- Katılım
- 29/6/17
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Feeding a 3-Month-Old Baby
Although he normally feeds every 3 hours, sometimes he gets hungry earlier and wants to be fed earlier. If breast milk is insufficient, supplementary formula recommended by the doctor is suitable for a 3-month-old baby.
During this period, his physical development accelerated noticeably. Monthly check-ups by the doctor determine the level of development and the comparison between it and its peers provides information about its development. It becomes easier to follow. However, honey should never be given to babies until the age of 1.
Motor Development of a 3-Month-Old Baby
Movement in 3-month-old babies is reflex-oriented. Behaviors activated by the nervous system are considered the beginning of motor development in babies. Babies' motor development accelerates significantly from the age of 4 months. They can also sit with support in a crib or stroller. During this period, as the leg muscles become stronger, movements such as kicking increase.
Physical Development of a 3-Month-Old Baby
During the first 6 months, the baby should be taken to the doctor regularly for check-ups every month. In addition to the values such as height, weight, head circumference and height to weight ratio, the baby's vaccinations are also performed during these routine checks where general health screening is performed. If the baby vaccinations that should be given at the age of 2 months are not given, they can be made up at the beginning of the 3rd month. When the baby is 2 months old, his eyes may naturally shift. These shifts return to normal by the end of 3 months. If it continues, a doctor should be consulted. Although his sleep pattern is not yet fully established, daytime sleepiness has decreased. He begins to sleep longer at night and become more active during the day.
Mental Development of a 3-Month-Old Baby
Mental and physical development in babies who reach 3 months continues rapidly. Their senses of hearing, vision, smell and taste are also developed and they respond to their parents' voices by smiling and screaming. With these new senses he has gained, he reacts with excitement to the sounds he recognizes. With its strengthened sense of vision, it begins to perceive almost every color and to discriminate in food by reacting to odors. He is disturbed by bad smells. He can hold his head up. He can lift his head up at a 45 degree angle from lying on his back. He can take steps when supported under his arm or held by his hands.
Social Development of a 3-Month-Old Baby
His interest in toys that make sounds increases, and communicating with them and exchanging emotions has become enjoyable.
With the awareness he has gained, a 3-month-old baby knows that when he cries or smiles, he can attract the attention of those around him and that he will be approached.
The baby, who is aware that he can have a good time with his relatives and other people, spreads smiles around him when he wants to do this. In order to support the baby's mental development during this period, it is useful to do things such as making sounds by hitting an object and participating in the baby. Hanging toys that make noise, such as mobiles, on his bed at a height that he can reach, and changing their positions from time to time, attracts his attention and helps him understand the connection between action and reaction.
Showing how to use toys that make sounds when shaken, such as rattles, and then giving them to the baby is among the activities that stimulate the mental development of the baby. Frequently talking to him/her and singing to him/her is both entertaining and beneficial for language development. When he hears his parents' voice, he can respond directly.
Now he starts to use his hands quite regularly and likes to play with his fingers. He responds to the sounds he makes by moving toys such as rattles. Vision range has improved to the point of being able to see more distant objects. His crying when left alone has decreased.