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Baby Baby Safety at Home


Baby Community Member

How to Ensure Baby Safety at Home?

Our home is where we feel most comfortable and safe. Outside of work, we spend some of our time at home. Especially in winter, we can't spend a lot of time outside. Naturally, our babies also spend most of their time at home.

Babies will of course fall and get up as they learn to crawl, walk and explore the commodities around them; But as you know, babies are naughty. It is unpredictable what they will do between the eyebrows and the eyes. In this case, you will need to make some adjustments to make your home suitable for your baby.

Before your baby was born, you may have thought that there was nothing dangerous in your home, but as the baby started to crawl, you realized the situation to be afraid of. Now you will have to think and review many things that you did not think of before. So, what do you need to do to ensure baby safety in your home?

Don't Take Your Eyes Off Your Baby!

As a matter of fact, the most important factor that will ensure baby safety at home will be keeping your eyes on your baby. Never underestimate your babies. "He's just started to crawl, what can he do?" or "Leave here for 2 minutes, I'll hang the laundry". They grow so fast before you know it! You will be really surprised when you see what your baby can do in seconds rather than 2 minutes. For this, you will first need to think like your baby. So your job as a parent will be to anticipate what he's capable of. Put yourself in his shoes and take a quick look around. Make a mental note of what you think might harm him, remove what needs to be removed, and take immediate action against what needs to be done.

Don't Leave Small Pieces of Toys and Harmful Items Around!

Babies tend to put everything in their mouth when trying to get to know their surroundings. In this case, you should not leave all kinds of things that can get into your baby's throat. For example;

Coins, batteries and buttons are all things your baby can put in their mouth and cause choking.
Balloons should not be left unattended as they may cause the baby to suffocate with their disintegrating parts.
Small parts of baby toys, such as the tiny eyes of dolls, should not be left unattended as they pose a swallowing hazard. Toys that are suitable for the development of the child and that are safe should be bought.
Even the hairpin that you remove from your hair and throw it away is dangerous for your child. You should be careful about this.

How Should The Baby Be Protected From Dangers In The Kitchen?

You should not only check the rooms of the house where you live, but also your kitchen. While you are cooking, your little baby will not wait for you inside, but will come to you. He will also spend time with you in the kitchen and of course he will not be idle. Even if we buy many kinds of toys for our children to play with, they will not be satisfied with them. We cannot judge them on this matter. The feeling of enthusiasm is in human genetics. Your baby will want to touch it to recognize every object around it. Not every object, especially sharp utensils, is suitable for baby's hands and mouths. So what should you do for this? The answer is not as difficult as you might think.

She usually puts things like cutlery in the top drawers and you may think your baby won't be able to get there, but your baby is growing so fast that you can't keep up. For this reason, you can store these types of items on higher shelves and closed cabinets.
You may be used to having your cleaning products at hand at all times, but you should keep these items on top shelves out of your baby's reach. Another solution is door and cabinet locks. By using these locks, you can prevent your baby from opening cabinet doors that contain dangerous things.
While cooking, you should turn the handle of your pot towards the inside and use the back part of the stove. Thus, you will prevent your arm from accidentally hitting the handle and spilling the hot food. If you want it to be more reliable, quarry barriers will do the trick.
Even if your baby hasn't started walking yet, he can turn on your oven or stove because he can hold on to something and stand. To prevent this danger, you can buy a cooker lock with a PVC cover, these products allow you to use the gas button of the stove only.
Do not put detergent in your dishwasher and leave it. Put the detergent in when you are going to run it.
If your baby is capable of opening the refrigerator, do not keep choked food or breakable items on the lower shelves.

The kitchen is a dangerous place for babies in every way. Even when you are not in the kitchen, your baby can go to the kitchen without you noticing. In such cases, the best way to protect your baby from all dangers in the kitchen is to use a baby safety gate.

The baby safety gate will prevent your baby from entering the kitchen while you are away and keep him/her safe. Also, if your house has stairs, you can place it at the top of the stairs.

How to Make a Baby House Safe?

Living rooms are the most important areas of our house. In our house, we are there most of the day. Of course, the same is true for our babies. For this reason, we should not ignore the things that can be dangerous for the baby in these rooms. For example;

Your TV should be mounted on the wall, not on the unit. Thus, it will be difficult for your baby to reach that huge item and there will be no risk of tipping.
Make sure that the battery covers of the TV remotes are attached.
Photo frames on your TV Unit or coffee table are dangerous items for baby safety. Even if the edges of your frame are plastic, the photo section is covered with glass. Therefore, you can try hanging them on the wall.
You should also place other decorative household items that can be broken in places where your baby cannot approach.
If you are using a fireplace in your living room, you should install a heat-resistant cover. You should also keep the lid closed when not in use. You can attach soft corner protector pads to the sharp edges of the fireplace.
Dispose of items such as candles and matches. The candle burning in the room is very dangerous for the baby. Even if it's not lit, he can put the candle in his mouth and chew on the wax and risk choking. If you like candlelight, you can benefit from battery powered lights that give a candle effect.
If you have stairs in your house, you should use a security door and make sure it is closed when not in use.
Another recommendation for baby safety at home is that if you have heavy items such as a bookcase in your room, you should fix it to the floor or wall. Even if you put an obstacle in front of it, your baby may reach there between the eyebrows and have a catastrophic accident.
Especially throughout the house, you should keep the windows closed or half open so that the baby cannot open them, and you should never put a chair by the open windows.
Most of the accidents with bad results in babies happen this way. Therefore, to ensure baby safety at home, do not delay such things and resolve them immediately.

Detect Pointed Corners!

The furniture in your home is usually angular and very dangerous for the little ones who get up. This is where corner guards come into play. You can mount these protectors on the sharp and pointed corners of your tables. You can view these products in baby safety equipment. You can even buy a baby safety kit with many protective materials.

If you have a glass coffee table at home, find out if the glass is tempered. If it is tempered, it will not break into a thousand pieces in any impact. You can use corner protectors in this case, but if it's not tempered, remove that coffee table if possible for baby's safety.

My Baby Plays With Sockets, What Can I Do?

Unfortunately, one of the things that babies love to play with is our sockets and cables. We should do the following against any possible danger;

If your sockets are low, have them installed from socket covers designed for baby safety.
In some homes, the sockets may be too high for our babies to reach, but the extension sockets are also products that we use quite often. Our babies can insert a metal object into these sockets. For this reason, we should not leave the extension sockets on the floor.
Often there is a tangled pile of cables next to televisions. You can collect that stack, fit it into something enclosed, and mount it in an inconspicuous place on the back of the unit. You can even do this yourself with a towel paper roll.
Safe Baby Room
To ensure baby safety in bedrooms, you should not place your baby's bed by the window.
You should have window locks installed on all windows that the baby can go out and reach, especially in the baby's room. While you think your baby is sleeping, he may be doing dangerous things.
You can use a digital baby monitor or baby video camera so that you don't have to keep an eye on him when you put him to sleep and leave.
You should pay attention to the fact that the bars of the crib are too small for your baby to pass through.
You will need to lower the height of the bassinet so that your baby doesn't fall out when he or she grows up and starts to sit up.
If you are afraid that your baby will fall while sleeping, you can use a bed barrier.
Take care not to use roller blinds in the bedrooms and other rooms where your baby can climb and reach. The strings of this curtain type are quite dangerous for your baby.
If your baby sleeps in your bed, you can put pillows in the gaps between the walls.
You should not keep decorative items in your baby's room that he can take and put in his mouth.

What to Consider in Baby Bath?

The most important thing to pay attention to in the bathroom is the slippery floor. Therefore, your bathroom should not be wet.
You can place a non-slip mat under the carpets you use in the bathroom to prevent slips and falls.
You should not leave the hair dryer plugged in.
If you have medicines in your bathroom, store them in a closed box on the upper shelves.
As in the kitchen, place the cleaning items in a place where your baby cannot reach and use cabinet locks.
You should adjust the temperature well when giving your baby a bath. You can use a thermometer for this.
You should not keep things that can cause suffocation, such as buckets filled with water in the bathroom.
You should keep the toilet lid closed at all times. In addition, you should always keep your bathroom clean, as your toilet bowl and its surroundings can get germs very easily. By using toilet seat locks, you can prevent your baby from opening it.
@Elçines My baby's safety is a very important issue, I read your article with great interest. Thank you very much for the information. I will make a list of your recommendations and implement them at home.