After your 9 months of pregnancy, you took your baby in your arms in a healthy way. Now it's time to get used to living with it. Although this acclimation process is difficult at first, it will actually pass easily while following your baby's development. Let's look together at the developments your baby will show in the first month.
Sense of Vision in a 1-Month-Old Baby
Babies cannot see clearly in the first months of birth. Also their visibility distance is very short. Therefore, your baby cannot look into your eyes in the first month. In this case you don't have to worry. It recognizes you over time and tries to make eye contact with you. Also, your baby's eye color does not occur in the first months. In this process, your baby's eyes are usually gray. This is quite normal and does not require you to consult a doctor. Your baby's eye color becomes permanent when it is about 6 months old.
Sense of Hearing in a 1-Month-Old Baby
Your baby is very sensitive to human voices in the first month. During your pregnancy, it hears your voice the most and your voice relaxes when it is born. Your baby expresses its feelings with various sounds in the first months. It is very important that you respond to the sounds your baby makes. Even if you are in another room, call on its. Because this will teach its the first communication.
Digestive System in a 1-Month-Old Baby
Your baby makes defecate in the first months of birth too much. This is because your baby's digestive system has not yet strengthened. You have to change your baby's diapers at least 5 or more a day until the first month passes. But it makes less defecates as it grows up.
Sleep Pattern in a 1-Month-Old Baby
Babies can grasp the difference of day and night when they are 3 months old. Therefore, your baby, who is 1 month old, can sleep day and night. 1 month old babies need an average of 18 hours of sleep per day. This period may even be 20 hours in the first days. So, don't think it's a problem when your baby sleeps a lot in the first month. This is quite normal. But if your baby's waking interval is taking too long, wake its up from time to time. When you wake its up, breastfeed it and change the diaper.
Sense of Vision in a 1-Month-Old Baby
Babies cannot see clearly in the first months of birth. Also their visibility distance is very short. Therefore, your baby cannot look into your eyes in the first month. In this case you don't have to worry. It recognizes you over time and tries to make eye contact with you. Also, your baby's eye color does not occur in the first months. In this process, your baby's eyes are usually gray. This is quite normal and does not require you to consult a doctor. Your baby's eye color becomes permanent when it is about 6 months old.
Sense of Hearing in a 1-Month-Old Baby
Your baby is very sensitive to human voices in the first month. During your pregnancy, it hears your voice the most and your voice relaxes when it is born. Your baby expresses its feelings with various sounds in the first months. It is very important that you respond to the sounds your baby makes. Even if you are in another room, call on its. Because this will teach its the first communication.
Digestive System in a 1-Month-Old Baby
Your baby makes defecate in the first months of birth too much. This is because your baby's digestive system has not yet strengthened. You have to change your baby's diapers at least 5 or more a day until the first month passes. But it makes less defecates as it grows up.
Sleep Pattern in a 1-Month-Old Baby
Babies can grasp the difference of day and night when they are 3 months old. Therefore, your baby, who is 1 month old, can sleep day and night. 1 month old babies need an average of 18 hours of sleep per day. This period may even be 20 hours in the first days. So, don't think it's a problem when your baby sleeps a lot in the first month. This is quite normal. But if your baby's waking interval is taking too long, wake its up from time to time. When you wake its up, breastfeed it and change the diaper.