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Mom Can Folic Acid Pills Be Used to Get Pregnant with Twins?


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Can Folic Acid Pills Be Used to Get Pregnant with Twins?

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Folic acid is one of the most popular pregnancy-related nutritional supplements. Pregnant women often take it before and during pregnancy to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus, but does folic acid increase the chances of getting pregnant with twins? Find out if folic acid can be used to get pregnant with twins.

Can Folic Acid Pills Be Used to Conceive Twins?

Doctors in many countries around the world recommend that women take folic acid to reduce the risk of neural tube defects and fetal abnormalities, and some governments also add folic acid to flour to ensure that all people get the required dose of folic acid. Some studies have confirmed that there is a close relationship between folic acid intake and an increased chance of conceiving twins, with a higher incidence of twin pregnancies, especially in pregnancies after artificial insemination or in older mothers and those who are already more likely to have twins. The reasons behind this are not clear. It is possible that folic acid increases the likelihood of multiple ovulation or implantation of more than one egg, but this has not been sufficiently scientifically proven.

Even if folic acid increases the number of twins, the supplement may cause more health problems than benefits. The risk of premature birth or birth in the seventh month may increase, birth weight decreases and the risk of cerebral palsy increases.

What is the Method to Conceive Twins?

Fertility treatments aren't the only reason you can get pregnant with twins; there are other factors as well. These:

Age: Women over 30 are more likely to conceive twins. This is because the hormone FSH increases as a woman ages, and this hormone is responsible for the growth of eggs in the ovaries before they are released, so the eggs need more stimulation than in younger women, thus increasing the reaction. The ovaries respond to stimulation of this hormone and release two or more eggs, resulting in a twin pregnancy.

Genetic factors: If there is a family history of twins, the probability of having twins increases, and this situation increases even more in the case of identical male twins.

Excess weight: Obese women with a body mass index over 30 are more likely to conceive twins than women with a moderate body mass index. Excess fat increases estrogen levels, causing the ovaries to become overstimulated instead of releasing a single egg. The ovaries can release two or more eggs.

Height: Women who are taller than average are more likely to conceive twins. Some studies have found that women with an average height of 164.8 cm are more likely to conceive twins than women with an average height of 161.8 cm.

Pregnancy while breastfeeding: Women who become pregnant while breastfeeding are more likely to become pregnant with twins than women who do not become pregnant while breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is expected to suppress fertility and lead to contraception, especially if the baby is completely dependent on breast milk for the first six months after birth. It is normal, but if pregnancy occurs, the possibility of twins increases.

Nutrition: Although not scientifically proven, some studies show that women who consume a lot of dairy products are more likely to conceive twins due to their exposure to growth hormones given to cows, which affect hormone levels in humans. It is also recommended that the husband eat zinc-rich foods such as leafy green vegetables, oysters and carrots to increase sperm count and be able to fertilize more than one egg at a time.

When Does Twin Pregnancy Occur?

If the usual early pregnancy symptoms such as nausea or vomiting occur, this indicates the possibility of pregnancy, but you cannot confirm that you are pregnant with twins unless you have an ultrasound examination after 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, then the doctor can determine the number of fetuses, placentas and sacs surrounding the fetus. This information can also tell you whether you have identical or fraternal twins, and you can't rely on hormone tests to tell if you're carrying twins.
Many people wonder about the relationship between taking folic acid pills for twin pregnancy and whether it is beneficial to take them. However, none of them have been scientifically proven. However, taking folic acid before and after pregnancy is vital to prevent fetal abnormalities, whether it is a single or twin pregnancy.