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Test Tube Baby Does Diabetes Cause Infertility?

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Does Diabetes Cause Infertility?

Diabetes is a disease that occurs as a result of problems with the hormone insulin. Normally, the pancreas secretes the hormone insulin to help the body store and burn sugar and fat in the foods we eat. Diabetes occurs when the pancreas secretes too little or does not produce insulin, or when the body does not respond appropriately. The problem with diabetes affects a number of organs and vital processes in the body. This leads some to wonder, does diabetes affect fertility? Does it reduce fertility or delay pregnancy? We will answer these questions for you.

Does Diabetes Affect Reproduction?

Unfortunately, diabetes can affect the reproductive capacity of men and women and can cause a significant decrease in fertility rates when diabetes is not controlled. It can lead to many conditions that cause a delayed pregnancy, including:

• Polycystic ovary syndrome:

It is a hormonal imbalance that can cause irregular menstruation, excessive hair growth, acne and other symptoms, and it occurs in a large percentage of women with diabetes. While PCOS may affect the possibility of pregnancy in some women, it may not affect it at all in others.

• Oligomenorrhea (irregular menstrual bleeding):

Amenorrhea or menstruation is a condition where women suffer from irregular menstrual cycles, and irregular menstruation is one of the normal things you may experience from time to time. However, if the menstrual period is delayed for more than 35 days at a time, it is diagnosed as menstrual deficiency, which is a condition that can affect the possibility of pregnancy. It is one of the minor conditions that can be treated using birth control pills prescribed by the doctor.

• Secondary amenorrhea (temporary absence of menstruation):

It occurs as a result of a hormonal imbalance that affects ovarian function and causes amenorrhea. Secondary amenorrhea is defined as the absence of menstruation for three consecutive months.

• Early menopause (premature ovarian failure):

It is normal for menstruation to stop at a certain age, and most women reach the age of menopause on average between the ages of 45 and 55, but menopause can also occur in the early 30s, known as premature menopause, and is one of the conditions that significantly affects reproductive ability.

• Endometrial cancer (uterine cancer):

It affects the cell layer that forms the uterine lining, and since endometrial cancer is often accompanied by abnormal vaginal bleeding, it is detected at an early stage and is one of the conditions found to increase in women with diabetes.

In addition to the previous conditions, having diabetes increases the likelihood of miscarriage, fetal death, and increases the chance of cesarean delivery. Diet, along with doctor's monitoring, helps regulate the menstrual cycle, increase the chance of pregnancy and reduce the possibility of miscarriage.

How Can You Regulate Sugar Before Pregnancy?

If you have diabetes, it is best to start regulating your blood sugar levels three to six months before pregnancy, and it is recommended to take high doses of folic acid (two and a half milligrams to five milligrams) per day for at least a month before pregnancy to help with pregnancy. Regulating sugar before pregnancy increases the chances of pregnancy occurring and continuing smoothly, and blood sugar levels can be regulated with a few steps you will learn below:

• Consult an endocrinologist: Before you try to conceive, see a doctor and tell him/her about your desire to become pregnant, so that he/she can start an appropriate treatment plan with you. You should control your blood sugar levels by adding fiber and protein to your diet, reducing sugary foods, using fruit sugar as a natural sweetener, and limiting fatty foods, especially if you also have PCOS.

• Monitor your blood sugar levels regularly: Checking your blood sugar levels regularly helps evaluate the effectiveness of medications prescribed by the doctor and whether they are helping to lower your blood sugar levels or whether you need to change them. Measuring your blood sugar levels regularly also helps you understand whether your diet is appropriate. It makes it easier for you to decide whether this should change or not.

• Exercise: Physical activity is an important component of your treatment plan, and exercise helps reduce blood glucose levels and its use by muscles, even when there is not enough insulin in the body.

• Maintain your weight: Weight gain is associated with an increased chance of developing insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Obesity and weight gain greatly affect the likelihood of pregnancy, so a balanced diet helps increase your chances of getting pregnant by controlling blood sugar levels as well as maintaining your weight.

• Get rid of anxiety and stress: Anxiety and tension, stress and depression can increase the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes by stimulating insulin resistance. So try to reduce stress, get enough sleep, and do things that will relieve you of anxiety and help you relax. So you can control your blood sugar level

In conclusion, if you are wondering does diabetes affect childbearing, it really does greatly affect the ability to reproduce, but that does not mean that pregnancy cannot occur. This can happen by controlling blood sugar levels, following a healthy diet, following up with a doctor, and sticking to the treatment plan.

If you are planning to get pregnant, you should have detailed information about pregnancy planning to get the most important information about preparing for the pregnancy period.

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