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Mom How Many Times Do You Have to Have Sexual Intercourse to Get Pregnant?


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How Many Times Do You Have to Have Sexual Intercourse to Get Pregnant?

How Many Times Do You Have to Have Sexual Intercourse to Get Pregnant.jpg

Fertilization of the egg and occurrence of pregnancy depend on many factors. When pregnancy occurs in some women after the first sexual intercourse, many women may delay pregnancy for a while even if they have frequent intercourse. This makes them wonder how many times does it take to have sexual intercourse for pregnancy to occur? The fact is that the number of sexual intercourses and the timing of sexual intercourse are among the most important factors affecting the likelihood of pregnancy, so we will tell you all the details in this article.

How Many Times Should You Have Sexual Intercourse to Get Pregnant?

There is no answer to this question with a specific number, because it depends on many other factors such as the number of sperm the man has, his health, the health of the egg, the practice of intimacy at the time of ovulation, and we explain it to you in more detail in the following lines:

Daily intimacy practice

First of all, it is expected that the chance of pregnancy increases as the number of sexual intercourse increases, which raises the question: Does having sexual intercourse more than once a day or every day increase the chance of pregnancy?

Researchers conducted a study on 500 women enrolled in the study to determine whether abstinence for a short period of time improves sperm quality and its effect on the success of the IVF process. Abstaining from sexual intercourse for three to seven days, that is, not having frequent sexual intercourse, reduces the chances of pregnancy, contrary to old theories that deny this.

Studies have confirmed that abstinence for a period of time causes damage to sperm DNA and reduces fertility rates in men, so the results of recent studies confirm that having sexual intercourse once or twice a day increases the fertility level for men and positively affects the chances of pregnancy.

Having sex during ovulation

Ovulation is the most important period that you need to calculate correctly if you are planning a pregnancy. Because the mature egg leaves the ovary and travels to the fallopian tube for fertilization, and the practice of intimacy during this period increases the chances of pregnancy, and the fertile window is the period when fertility rates are highest in women, including the day the egg is released from the ovary and the few days before it. The practice of intimacy during this period greatly increases the chances of pregnancy.

So, can we briefly answer the question of how many times sexual intercourse must be had for pregnancy to occur? Having sexual intercourse every day greatly increases the chances of pregnancy, but it can be difficult. Therefore, it is recommended to apply three to four times a week, day after day and every day during the fertile period. If you cannot accurately calculate the ovulation period, then having intercourse every day significantly increases the chances of pregnancy in general.

Does a Woman's Inability to Reach Orgasm Prevent Pregnancy?

Reaching orgasm has long been associated with increased chances of pregnancy, based on two theories. The first of these indicates that the woman's feeling of relaxation after reaching orgasm and going to bed increases the sperm's chance of reaching the egg. The second theory is that orgasm is accompanied by contractions in the uterus that work with a vacuum cleaner-like mechanism. Sperm is pulled faster and deeper, increasing the chances of pregnancy.

Despite these theories, many women become pregnant before reaching orgasm, and some even become pregnant after having sexual intercourse only once. This answers the previous question, not reaching orgasm does not necessarily mean delaying the pregnancy in any way.

Finally, if you're wondering how many times you need to have sexual intercourse to get pregnant? In this article, we have answered you and explained the most important factors related to timing that affect the likelihood of pregnancy, so you can consider them if you are planning to get pregnant.