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Baby How to understand mental retardation in newborn baby?

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Mental retardation is that the level of development that the child is in does not coincide with the cognitive functions. Their ability to make logical plans, problem solving, abstract thinking, understanding complex thoughts, learning fast and benefiting from experience is not in line with the child’s level of development.Intelligence; the intelligence section obtained from the tests is shown with scores.

If the individual’s IQ test score is about 70 or below, it can be mentioned that mental retardation is mentioned. IQ test score is an important criterion in determining the mental retardation of the individual. However, it is not the only criterion. It is also necessary to look at the state of the individual in adaptive behavior.

Mental retardation; it arises for many different reasons. It may be caused by the reason that pregnant mother had febrile and infectious diseases such as rubella and syphilis before birth, and the mother’s inability to eat enough and balanced nutrition during birth; the baby’s not getting enough oxygen, etc. it can be caused by many reasons.

There is no medical treatment for mental retardation and it is a lifelong condition. The purpose of taking heel blood from newborn babies is to find out whether the baby has phenylketonuria and natal hypothyroidism. Thus, it is determined whether the newborn baby has mental retardation. With early detection, mental retardation can be prevented. Babies with mental retardation are indistinguishable from other healthy babies for the first few months.

However, after the sixth month, mental retardation becomes distinguishable.The sick baby’s body is unable to break down the phenylalanine substance, a type of protein building block, and this substance that accumulates in the blood causes increasing mental retardation. As the baby grows up, it lags behind its peers in the development of sitting, walking, speaking and movement skills. During the first week following the birth of the baby, blood is drawn from the baby’s heel. This blood sample is dripped on special filter paper, which also includes the information of the baby’s family. In some cases, the test is repeated. According to the test results, the baby lives as a normal individual with timely treatment.

What are the reasons that affect the intelligence development of the baby in mother womb?
The fact that the pregnant mother had febrile and infectious diseases such as rubella and syphilis before birth, and the mother’s inability to feed enough and balanced causes mental retardation. In addition, babies of mothers who are addicted to alcohol, cigarettes and substances during pregnancy are also at risk.excessive stress, heavy working conditions, and inadequate rest of the mother also affect the baby in the womb.

Also X-ray exposure, medications taken by the mother to abort children, and unsuccessful applications, pregnancy anemia, pregnancy poisoning cause various disorders in the brain of the developing baby. Abnormalities in the development of the skull of the baby in mother womb also cause mental retardation. Hydrocephalus and microcephalus are the most common abnormalities in the development the baby’s skull. Hydrocephalus is that the head is excessively large compared to the body. Microcephaly, the head is too small compared to the body.

What are the causes of mental retardation due to the moment of birth?
Inadequate and difficult conditions of birth causes mental retardation. Pregnancies that last longer than 37 weeks and longer than 42 weeks also cause disorders in the intelligence of the baby. It is also effective that the baby is physically damaged as a result of falling and bumps during childbirth. To give light and oxygen excess to the incubator to the babies placed in the incubator; factors that negatively affect both the child’s development and current capacity and equipment, such as the moment of birth anoxia, can lead to various mental retardation.

What are the causes of mental retardation after birth?
Severe jaundice after birth, CNS (Central Nervous System) infections, muscle and reflex problems negatively affect the development of intelligence. Febrile and infectious diseases during infancy or childhood: smallpox, measles, diphtheria, cerebral inflammation, mumps, meningitis, typhus, typhoid, polio, severe flu diseases, various trauma and accidents, nutritional deficiencies resulting from severe economic and cultural deficiencies, severe mental illness disturbances, severe accidents and shocks may cause various disorders in the brain. As a result, various degrees of inadequacy occur in the mental functions of the child.