Baby Community Member
- Katılım
- 18/5/22
- Mesajlar
- 193
Your child grows up as a role model in life, imitating and following their parents. This forms the basis of an unbreakable relationship between the family and the child. Parents, with their children's behavior and the rules they set; they should guide them. Here you as parents; rather than being the most truthful or good parent; You have to decide what to do on the main issues. Of course we will love our children and their growth and development in a peaceful environment; will be our primary mission. We must teach our children to be respectful and treat them with love. We must set our children free up to a certain point, and then set our rules and boundaries. We need to be aware of where and when the rules apply.
1. It is important that you adjust the rules according to the child's age. It is a child, it does not stop where it stands. You leave it in the kitchen, it appears in the living room. Being constantly on the move can pave the way for accidents and they may not listen to what you say. The rules you will set here should be appropriate for the age of the children; It's important not to be too pushy. Again, be careful to set the rules that your child can control himself!
2. As your child grows, you should increase the rules. The rules you set should be appropriate for the age of the child. 3-year-old boy "Don't!" He may not understand anything from the word, a 4-year-old child will. As your child develops, you should also change the rules. to your 2-year-old child; “You can warn him not to hit it and keep things in place!” You can set a set of rules to remind them. If your child is 4 years old, adding new rules; You can calm him down and keep him within the rules.
3. In case of non-compliance with the rules you set, your child; tell him what will happen to him in advance. Your child may be very active during the day and make mistakes; Before that, sit down with your child and tell them what they shouldn't do and what will happen to them if they still misbehave. Let's imagine that the child plays ball during the day and then slaps a friend; The sanctions for the two actions must not be the same. The child should know and learn in advance what punishment -sanction- will come after a wrongful behavior.
4. Set the rules and discuss with your children what the consequences will be. For example; when your child makes an aggressive move towards a friend -hits-; He should know and learn what the result will be. You should make sure that your child understands the consequences of this misbehavior.
5. It may take a long time for children to apply the rules, you must be patient. It is seen that children insist on not understanding some sanctions or cannot adapt. In this case, you may need to talk to your child several times about the outcome of that behavior. Again, in a way that your child will understand, without squeezing it too much and without releasing it too much; You can help your child find ways to restrain himself.
6. In the face of sanctions, you must act together. Against the rules you set; As a parent, you should not experience disagreements. If one punishes a behavior, the other forgives; It can confuse your child. Mom and dad should sit down and agree on rules together. The sanctions that the child will face when he/she does something he/she should not do should always be applied in the same way. If you do this, your child's behavior may change; You can help him change his behavior.