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What is Colic Baby?

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What does colicky baby mean?
Colic is the name given to intense crying and fussiness in babies. Babies, who usually have colic, experience their most intense attacks in their sixth week. However, this situation decreases significantly in the third and fourth months. Although this excessive crying and restlessness in colicky babies decreases over time, parents need to pay attention to some points. In this article, we talked about what is a colic baby and the symptoms of a colic baby. After this article, you will learn how to care for colic babies. If you want, let's get started without further ado!

What are the Symptoms of Colic Baby?

The most distinctive feature of colicky babies is their frequent and intense crying. These crying attacks can usually occur in the evenings and at certain hours. In addition, colicky babies experience intense restlessness when crying and pull their feet towards their bellies.

We can list the symptoms of colic babies as follows:

Excessive Crying: Colic babies often have crying attacks that last more than three hours, and these attacks occur at certain times of the day.
Stomach Gas: Colic babies may experience stomach gas problems and flatulence.
Restlessness: Babies with colic are usually restless and during crying spells they pull their legs towards their stomach and make fists with their hands. In addition, body shaking may also be seen.
Sleep Disorder: Colic babies' sleep patterns are greatly disrupted and they have irregular sleep patterns.
Weight Loss: Babies may sometimes experience weight loss because they exert effort during colic attacks.
Difficulty in Feeding: Colic babies sometimes have difficulty in feeding. For this reason, weaning may occur.

What Causes Colic Baby?

There is no clear and unique answer to why babies have colic. Because this situation arises with the combination of many possibilities. We can list some reasons why babies have colic as follows;

Mother and Father Stress: Research shows that family stress also affects babies. Therefore, it can be said that maternal and paternal stress can cause colic in babies.
Feeding Problems: Breastfeeding and bottle feeding can be difficult for babies. For this reason, colicky babies are babies who may have difficulty in sucking and swallowing.
Brain and Nervous System Development: Babies' brain and nervous system development still continues after birth, so they may not be fully mature. And this can lead to colic infancy.
Genetics: Family history may increase the likelihood of colic in babies. If both parents had colicky babies when they were babies, their children may also be like this.
Environmental Factors: Babies can react to environmental factors, namely light, noise and stimuli. This can lead to colic infancy.

What is Good for Colic Babies?

There are various methods to relieve colicky babies. First of all, it may be good for you to play music that will calm him down, hold him in your arms, gently rock him, and make him feel safe. Additionally, you should prevent him from swallowing air while breastfeeding and bottle feeding. However, since every baby is different, all of these methods may not work for every baby or may differ.

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