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- 18/5/22
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What is Hyperactivity?
What are the symptoms? How Is It Treated?
hyperactivity; It is one of the most serious mental health problems in our age. Although some medical authorities claim that this problem goes away by itself as the age progresses, it is defined as a serious problem that it can cause severe damage until the first youth period and the child's personality will develop in the shadow of this problem. And in other words, according to research, hyperactivity is not a self-curing condition. So what is hyperactivity that risks turning into such a serious problem?
What is Hyperactivity?
Hyperactivity is a state of distraction, inability to control energy, and excessive emotional reactions, all or part of it. It should be clearly underlined that; Hyperactivity is not mischief. It should not be confused with being naughty, which is a personality trait and seen in almost every child, and the treatment of hyperactivity diagnosis should be continued since infancy.
Hyperactivity Symptoms
Hyperactive child; He cannot control his emotions and gives impulsive reactions. Besides being hyperactive, this is the most common symptom. The same symptoms can be observed in the diagnosis of this problem in babies. Just because a child is very active does not mean that he is hyperactive. In modern times, many children may be somewhat active because they are unable to perform activities for which they can exert sufficient energy. It would not be correct to directly call this hyperactivity. In addition to this symptom, attention deficit or impulsive behavior should also be added. It may not be necessary for every hyperactive child to have impulsive behavior. Some may have just a loss of attention and hyperactivity.
Symptoms of Hyperactivity in Babies
Diagnosing hyperactivity in infants can of course be much more difficult. Measuring behavior may not be possible. The baby with the only hyperactivity problem is actually easily understandable. These babies; sleeps less or more, constantly cries and is restless. In fact, some babies are often taken to health institutions with the concern of a possible health problem due to this uneasiness, but no problems are encountered. In this case, it is necessary to apply to infant psychology specialists in order to make a diagnosis of hyperactivity. Hyperactivity, which is diagnosed and treated at an early age, can most likely be kept under control as if it were absent and does not cause any problems in the child's development.
What Causes Hyperactivity?
The source of hyperactivity, which has been extensively studied, has not yet been fully grasped. Although some medical experts claim that this is a result of the modern age and has many reasons, from GMO foods to hormones, a satisfactory result has not yet been reached at this point. Currently, it is stated that hyperactivity is caused by congenital hereditary causes, anomalies in brain development and environmental conditions. hyperactivity; Although its source is not known exactly, it is actually a health problem whose treatment has been greatly improved and applied effectively. In the treatment process, which is carried out in the form of family therapies and with special training given to the child, medical methods can also be used from time to time. At this point, the treatment must be done by specialists. You should never unconsciously apply hearsay treatment procedures and follow a process under the supervision of physicians and specialist psychologists from diagnosis to treatment. Hyperactivity is a problem that occurs in different types and levels in every child and whose treatment should be developed individually. For the baby, it can be detected a few weeks after birth and the treatment can be started as soon as possible. For this, you should not interrupt the doctor's controls and if you observe the symptoms mentioned above, you should apply to your own doctor or health institutions.