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Baby When is pregnancy detected in the blood?


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When is pregnancy detected in the blood?

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When does pregnancy appear in the blood? It is one of the most important questions for many women, because the blood test is the most accurate to determine the occurrence of pregnancy. Therefore, pregnancy hormone (HCG) appears in the blood three days after conception and before the menstrual period.
Pregnancy hormone does not appear in the urine until seven days later. Additionally, in the case of a regular cycle that occurs every 28 days, if your period does not occur on the expected date, the pregnancy hormone may be seen in the blood after a while.

When is pregnancy seen in the blood?

The best time to have any blood tests is between seven and 14 days after you have missed your period. There are two types of blood tests that determine whether you are pregnant:
Specific pregnancy hormone test: detects the presence of hormones in the blood and only gives a positive or negative result.
Digital pregnancy hormone test: Also called the (HCG beta) test, it accurately measures the amount and percentage of the hormone in the blood.

Can a Pregnancy Blood Test Give Incorrect Results?

Blood pregnancy test is known for its results reaching 99% accuracy. After taking a blood pregnancy test, if it is positive, it means there is definitely pregnancy.
If the hormone percentage is low on a digital pregnancy blood test, the doctor will ask you to take another test 48 hours later to see if the percentage has increased.
There are some very rare situations where a pregnancy test may give a false positive or negative result, such as:

Rushing the analysis: If the blood test is done too early, it may give false negative results even though it is present in the first days of pregnancy, as the pregnancy hormone in the blood does not reach the level that can be detected by analysis.

Taking certain medications: There are some medications that contain pregnancy hormone (HCG) or increase its level in the blood as a side effect, giving false positive results when taken for a long time.

Miscarriage: Pregnancy hormone remains in the blood for a while after pregnancy loss until it disappears from the body, and in some cases, some tissues of the lost fetus remain in the uterine wall, so the body continues to secrete pregnancy hormone, which requires surgical intervention to clean the uterus and remove tissue debris.

Molar pregnancy: It is an abnormal pregnancy in which the fetus is deformed and the placenta grows like a bunch of grapes, requiring surgical intervention to clean the uterus and get rid of this abnormal pregnancy.

Rare medical conditions: There are some pathological conditions that cause the pregnancy hormone to appear incorrectly in the blood, for example: pituitary gland disorder and some rare types of cancer.

It is worth noting that previous cases are rare and the best way to ensure the accuracy of the test result is to test again after 48 hours and compare the results. If the level of pregnancy hormone in the blood doubles, this means that the pregnancy is healthy and your fetus is growing normally.

Finally, we recommend that you follow your pregnancy regularly with your doctor and talk to him about your concerns, thoughts and questions about the pregnancy, as his medical experience will reassure you and provide the necessary support.