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Test Tube Baby When Is Sexual Intercourse Allowed After ICSI?


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When Is Sexual Intercourse Allowed After ICSI?

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is a modern and important method in the treatment of infertility and delayed childbearing. The success rate of the operation is high, especially in recent years, and the success of the ICSI procedure does not depend solely on it. It is linked to the procedures that take place before and after the operation. When is sexual intercourse and return to normal life allowed after ICSI? And what are the most important steps you can take to help increase the success rate after surgery? We will answer all these questions in this article.

When Can You Have Sexual Intercourse After ICSI?

Since the inception of ICSI, it has been common for the doctor to ask the couple after ICSI to abstain from sexual intercourse for several months, sometimes for entire months of the pregnancy, so that the pregnancy can continue. This is because doctors are concerned about the transmission of the infection through sex, which affects the implantation and development of the embryo in the uterus.

In fact, studies have improved over time and doctors' advice is now to just wait 48 hours after ICSI, after which intimacy can be established. However, some doctors suggest that safety factors increase when you wait two weeks before sexual intercourse. In this way, the fertilized egg implants into the uterine wall and settles completely.

Some studies have shown that the man's semen plays a positive role in the implantation and development of the fetus. In the end, it all depends on your doctor, who decides how long after normal you can resume intimacy.

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Tips After ICSI

There are the most important tips to consider after ICSI recommended by the doctor. These:

• There is no need to rest for a very long time after ICSI. An hour or two of complete rest in bed is sufficient. From now on, you should move around and continue your life normally, provided that physical exertion is not excessive. It is enough to move around the house, avoiding excessive movement.
• Stop consuming caffeine found in all beverages such as tea, coffee and soft drinks, and also stop drinking herbs that stimulate the uterus and contractions, such as cinnamon.
• Stop eating stimulating foods such as hot spices and pineapple.
• In the period following the microscopic injection, you should focus on eating healthy foods containing fiber and vitamins, especially vegetables and fruits. This way, you won't be constipated and you won't have to strain during defecation, which affects the stability of the fetus.
• Do not allow your body to remain at extremely high temperatures, keep your body temperature moderate.
• Avoid stress and tension, especially in the first weeks following ICSI.
• Take all medications prescribed by the doctor regularly in the period following ICSI.
• Avoid showering for a week after the injection, as water makes blood circulation too active, which affects the stability of the fetus. From now on, when you take a shower, use warm water and using hot water is completely prohibited.

ICSI Pregnancy Test

It's normal to anxiously await the time to take a home pregnancy test after ICSI, but here are three reasons to avoid testing too early:

• The syringe used for ICSI contains hCG, which is the same hormone that shows you're pregnant when you take a home pregnancy test, so when you test early you only get the hormones injected.
• The likelihood of receiving a positive pregnancy test one week before ICSI is very low.
• A negative pregnancy test will make you feel anxious and nervous, which is not a desirable situation in the post-ICSI period.

Doctors' advice is to wait at least ten days before taking a blood test to make sure pregnancy has occurred.

ICSI is a great method and the success rate is excellent if you are struggling to conceive for any reason, but pay close attention to all the steps before and after the process and remember when sexual intercourse is allowed after ICSI. This way, you can continue your relationship with your partner naturally, as the doctor decides. If you are planning to get pregnant, it is important to prepare yourself healthily and psychologically.