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Baby Why Babies Don't Crawl


Baby Community Member
Why Babies Don't Crawl

Why Babies Don't Crawl.jpg

Babies do not have a strong skeletal system when they are born. One of the activities that the mother looks forward to with great enthusiasm during the mother-child relationship is crawling. It takes time for babies to start crawling. Babies need to go through some developmental stages before they start crawling.

The main stages of these stages are physical and motor development. Crawling activity and skill depend on babies' muscle strength, their ability to maintain coordination and improve their balance skills. Along with these stages, there are also different factors that affect crawling ability in direct proportion.

Muscle Strength

Babies do not have enough muscle strength when they are born. Before babies start crawling, they need to have the muscle strength to lift their bodies off the ground and crawl. At the same time, the baby must be able to perform activities such as holding its head and sitting. Babies can start crawling when they have the muscle strength to support their arms and legs.

Coordination and Balance

Crawling requires the use of different limbs simultaneously. Babies must coordinate their arms and legs while crawling, and for this they must reach a certain level of motor skills. This coordination skill develops as the baby grows.

Crawling also requires balance. The crawling baby must have learned to balance. Since crawling is a displacement movement, babies must quickly coordinate their muscles to move. Must be able to use arms and legs synchronously.

Developmental Differences

Every baby is different, while some babies get stronger and learn to coordinate faster, some babies may complete this process a little later. This development process varies from baby to baby. For this reason, it is not right to proceed on a single calendar.

Interest and Motivation

While babies are learning to crawl, their interest and curiosity in the environment is very important for motivation to crawl. Most babies want to crawl to reach objects they are interested in or to follow their mothers.

Babies need to complete a series of motor and physical developments in order to learn to crawl. Since this development develops in different processes for each baby, the time it takes for babies to start crawling is different.

If the baby is not crawling, it should be carefully observed whether there are any of these stages or lack of motivation and interest. Mothers who are concerned about their developmental processes should consult a pediatrician if they see that their baby is not crawling.