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Child Your Child's Concentration Time Is Still Too Short!


Baby Community Member

If your child can concentrate on something for a minute or two, great!

He needs your help to avoid distractions and increase his concentration. For example, it may be a good start if the toys bought are not all at once. As a matter of fact, too many stimuli in the environment will cause children to go from one toy to another constantly. Instead, by observing what your child likes and what he is trying to do; Having a few toys around him according to his wishes and needs can enable him to play longer games with these toys.

Magic board game...

Magic box or magic chest games are a great game for kids this age (both to explore and focus). You can witness that he is filling different items in a box and taking them out one by one, examining them and now examining the small details. Thus, it may be possible to focus more than 1-2 minutes. Your box may be full of different materials each week. Hats, scarves, boxes of different sizes and hardness, musical instruments, balls... Thus, he pursues new discoveries every week. As your child grows, you can make this game more enjoyable and instructive. Over time, you can move on to games such as classifying and naming similar toys. In the future, you can use the magic bag instead of the magic box. First, you can play exploration and guessing games outside the bag and then open your bag. Although the general outlines of the order in which you will play these games and at what age are clear, the important thing is that you act according to your child's speed, wishes and needs.

Don't compare...

When raising your child, do not constantly compare your children with others, especially when monitoring their development. Especially do not tell your child such comparisons!
Remember; every child is different from one another. The rate of development of all of them differs in different areas. The activities both on our website and in our application have been prepared according to the average development rate, but if you observe that your child is behind in certain subjects, do it according to the number of repetitions he needs and move on to the next stage. After each term, answer our small questionnaire and measure your progress. Especially if you give negative answers to redflag (red flag) questions, consult a specialist without delay and do this immediately if any intervention is required. We cannot finish by explaining the importance of interventions at a young age. You are giving your child the kiss of life!

Building a basic sense of trust in your baby...

The first sign of a baby who has developed a sense of trust is that he can stay away from his mother for a while without worrying and fearing. The thing that creates the basic sense of trust in the child is the continuity and consistency between him and the mother.

As the child grows, he tries to explore the outside world. He first started this by breaking up with his mother. While trying to recognize his environment, one of the two emotions is dominant in the child. He may be worried that he will be separated from his mother, or he leaves without any problems knowing that he will find his mother when he returns. The most important thing that determines this situation is the level of development of the basic sense of trust in the child.

While individuals with a developed sense of basic trust do not have problems in establishing successful and close relationships with other people, individuals who have not developed a sense of trust tend to avoid close relationships.

In order for your baby to trust himself, you must first trust him and you must be able to separate from him for a while. All your worries will pass on to your baby. Working mothers can accustom themselves and their children to this separation process, even if they do not want to. In non-working mothers, this process can naturally be more difficult. But if all you really want is to create a foundation that will make your child confident and happy in the future, and to create a foundation that will make your child confident and happy in the future, making an effort to ensure that your child grows up without being dependent on you is one of the best things you can do.

Has your sleeping pattern changed?
During these periods, most babies' daytime sleep needs drop from two to one, if they haven't changed yet. After 3-4 repetitions, your baby will get used to this routine. However, during the transition period, it is normal to get sleepy and increase restlessness, especially in the evening.

I wish our babies happy dreams...