Baby Community Member
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- 18/5/22
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Baby Sleeping Positions
Babies changing positions in their sleeping positions, turning from lying on their back to face down, is a development that is eagerly awaited by the family. Babies do not move much in the first months of their birth until they are 3 months old. Therefore, their first turning is reflected as a big change to the parents and naturally this first physical activity cheers and excites them.
Babies have some movements according to their developmental stages. These occur in a certain order. As follows:
1- First, they hold their head,
2- Then they start to turn,
3- Then they sit with support,
4- Then they start to sit without support,
5- They stand up by holding on to something,
6- They start to take turns by taking sideways steps by holding on,
7- They take a few steps with help by holding their hands,
8- And they start to walk
What Does the Baby Do When the First Stage is Complete?
When the previous development is complete, the baby moves to the second stage and thus begins to grow.
Later developments begin after the neck, back muscles and arm muscles become stronger. Depending on their developmental levels, babies sometimes start turning when they are 4 months old and sometimes after they are 7 months old. However, the turning time is generally 5-6 months. The movements that occur gradually in babies are related to their motor development. This ability develops faster in babies who are breastfed.
What is the Family's Help in Turning Babies?
During the growth process of babies, there are special motor development standards for each age range they live in. Healthy babies develop in accordance with this standard development table three or five times. The baby's motor development is achieved through the harmony in the mother-child relationship. Rapid development is achieved in proportion to the mother preparing the environment, approaching her baby with love and supporting her baby.
In order for the baby to succeed in turning, its muscles must first become stronger, it must be able to control its muscles and a suitable environment must be provided for them. This development cannot be expected to be fast for babies who are constantly kept in their cradle.
What are the Practices that Will Ensure Muscle Development of the Baby?
Put a clean sheet on the carpet. Leave your baby there. Change the position by turning him/her to both sides frequently. If your baby has difficulty lying on his/her side, support his/her back with a pillow. Play with toys that make noise and make him/her move.
Lay him/her on his/her stomach and do various activities.
These exercises are especially necessary for head control, back and neck muscle control. This exercise is applied by starting with 1-2 minutes and gradually increasing the time. Since it will be easier to turn on a hard surface, be careful to prepare a suitable ground.
Put bright, colorful and flashing light toys in front of your baby and encourage him/her to reach them.