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Test Tube Baby What are the symptoms of Fallopian Tube Obstruction?


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What are the symptoms of Fallopian Tube Obstruction?

What are the symptoms of Fallopian Tube Obstruction.jpg

The fallopian tubes are a part of the female reproductive organs that connect the ovaries and the uterus. Through these, eggs pass into the uterus and sperm go to the egg and fertilize it, resulting in pregnancy. One of the problems of infertility is blockage of the fallopian tubes. In this article, learn the symptoms and treatment of blocked fallopian tubes.

Fallopian Tube Obstruction Symptoms

Blockage of the fallopian tubes rarely causes symptoms. Most women don't know they have this problem until reproductive problems occur, so infertility or delayed pregnancy often occurs as the first sign of a blockage of the fallopian tubes or one of them.
If you haven't conceived after a year of trying if you're in your 20s, or after six months if you're over 30, your doctor will order special x-rays to examine your fallopian tubes, as well as other basic fertility tests.
Some women experience symptoms such as pelvic or abdominal pain. This pain may occur regularly or may occur only during your period.
A certain type of blocked fallopian tube can cause lower abdominal pain and unusual vaginal discharge, but not every woman with a blocked fallopian tube experiences these symptoms.
Although there are no obvious symptoms of a blocked fallopian tube, some causes of blockage can lead to other problems. For example, they can cause endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, painful menstruation, and pain during intimacy. However, these symptoms alone do not indicate that there is a blockage in one of the fallopian tubes.
Sometimes the blockage can cause the fertilized egg to attach. This condition is known as an ectopic pregnancy, may not cause any symptoms and is usually detected during a scan. However, some women may experience pregnancy symptoms such as abdominal pain on one side of the body or vaginal bleeding. If you suspect you are experiencing an ectopic pregnancy, you should seek medical help immediately.

Does Blocked Fallopian Tubes Prevent Ovulation?

Blockage of one of the fallopian tubes does not prevent ovulation from occurring, but it does prevent the egg from passing through it to the uterus. Therefore, the egg cannot reach the uterus and the sperm cannot swim through the fallopian tube to reach the egg, preventing fertilization and pregnancy.
If the ducts are completely blocked, pregnancy is impossible without treatment, and if they are only partially blocked, you will probably get pregnant. However, the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases as it is difficult for a fertilized egg to pass through the blockage and reach the uterus. In these cases, your doctor may recommend in vitro fertilization treatment depending on your situation.
If the blockage is in one of the fallopian tubes, it probably won't affect fertility because the egg can still pass through a healthy fallopian tube. Additionally, fertility medications can help increase the chances of ovulating on the right side.

Does Blocked Fallopian Tubes Affect Menstruation?

A blocked fallopian tube will not prevent your period. In some cases, you may even experience painful periods.

Is Fallopian Tube Examination Painful?

There are three main tests to check and diagnose blocked fallopian tubes:

• It is an x-ray test in which the doctor injects a harmless dye into the uterus and this dye normally flows into the fallopian tubes. If this does not happen, there is a blockage. The doctor can see the dye and monitor it with an x-ray. In many women, the dye moves painlessly through the uterus and fallopian tubes, but when one of the fallopian tubes is blocked, the dye can put pressure on the blockage.

• Ultrasound testing, which uses ultrasound waves to create an image of the fallopian tubes, is a painless procedure.

• It is a laparoscopy in which the surgeon makes a small incision in the body and inserts a small camera to take pictures of the fallopian tubes from the inside. This is the most accurate test. However, doctors may not recommend this test as an early diagnosis. Because it is an invasive procedure and cannot cure the problem. Endoscopy is performed under anesthesia and a small incision scar may remain at the incision site.

Finally, once you know the symptoms of fallopian tube blockage, we want to reassure you that this does not mean you lose your ability to conceive. It is possible to become pregnant after completing treatment, and your chances depend on the treatment method and the severity of the blockage. IVF will continue to be an option for you, so don't despair.