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Premature Baby What Do Premature Babies Do in the Incubator?


Baby Community Member

What Do Premature Babies Do in the Incubator?

The incubator states of premature babies open their eyes to the world in a different position from babies born under normal birth conditions, with ideal weight and full physical and mental development. They are quite small, too weak to even notice that they exist. The head is large and looks different from the body. Experiencing such problems directly triggers the transition to an incubator and lives in a kind of intensive care form until the conditions return to normal.

Especially in premature babies, the hours of sleep are incredibly long. They spend at least 15 and at most 22 hours a day sleeping. This is quite a long time for a normal baby and has the potential to cause problems. The incubator times of premature babies are generally the same for the same babies.