Bebek Forum - Baby Community

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Baby Community Rules Baby Community Rules

Baby Community Rules
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Baby Community Rules

Baby Community Rules

Baby Community
Established: 07-June-2017

Baby, Child, Mother Platform - Baby, Child, Mother Platform is a social sharing platform to provide various helpful information. It will be briefly referred to as Baby Community.

1- The person who shares the Baby Community is responsible for himself. Bebek Forum cannot be held responsible for legal problems that may arise from the content posted by its members. In case of notification of all legal notifications about the posts in the forum through the communication channel, a response is given within 10 (ten) days at the latest after the notification is received by us and the requested content is removed.

2- In Baby Community Posts that are against the laws of any country cannot be sent to the baby forum.

3- It is not allowed to write provocative and humiliating articles about Communities in Baby Community. Discrimination and racism are absolutely unacceptable.

4- It is strictly forbidden to curse and harass Members in Baby Community.

5- It is forbidden to express any political opinion in Baby Community.

6- All kinds of harassing articles are prohibited in Baby Community.

7- We remind you that when a situation against the Rules is seen in the Baby Community, since other users' involvement in the subject leads to regrettable results, the correct behavior is to notify the administrators with the REPORT button.

8- In Baby Community, Members cannot publicly disclose private information of Baby Community or any other forum member.

9- In Baby Community, administrators have the right to remove messages that do not comply with the rules from the visible area of the Forum.

10- All topics, messages and members written in Baby Community cannot be deleted or edited due to major malfunctions in our database. All topics and messages you will write should be written by paying attention to this rule.

11- Members who do not comply with the Baby Community rules are warned by the administrators, and the repetition of the behavior is banned in our system.

12- The right to update the Baby Community rules or add new ones is always reserved by the forum administrators.

13- Baby Community Usage and Cookies: Cookies will not be used by us as a means of collecting personal information.

14- Everyone who is a member of Baby Community is deemed to have accepted these conditions. Members who violate the rules despite warnings will have their accounts banned.

Welcome to the Baby Community. Thank you.
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